Artifact Identification

To help identify your artifacts or to learn more about them, click on the illustration next to the topic title to see all of the various types of each major topic.

This section contains artifacts developed by Native Americans through a peck and grind technology or that were used in that process.

 This section contains the projectile points and knives that occur throughout the southeastern United States including those made of stone, faunal or marine materials.

This section contains both ceramic and stone smoking pipes and medicine tubes used by Native Americans as well as clay trade pipes used by colonial Americans.

This section contains both pendants and beads made by Native Americans as well as European trade beads used during the fur trade era.

This section contains apparel and other materials of skin or woven materials worn by Native Americans.

This section contains baskets and other articles made of woven grass by Native Americans.

This section contains bone tools and decorative bone either worn or used by Native Americans.

 This section contains shell tools used by Native Americans. 

This section contains free-standing effigy figures made by Native Americans.

 This section contains ceramic and stone discs use in the course of games played by Native Americans.

 This section contains iron, glass and items of other materials offered to Native Americans by European or colonial traders during the fur trade era.

 This section contains any flaked stone implements other than projectile points and knives made by Native Americans.

 This section contains pottery types made by Native Americans.  The section is organized by state and types appear by surface treatment.

 This section contains the symbols and ceremonial objects and their suggested meanings used by Native Americans in the celebration of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex. 

This section contains the rare wooden artifacts used by Native Americans.

 This section contains the metallic artifacts used by Native Americans including copper, silver, gold, and galena.