Dalton Scrapers


The blade form here identified as a Dalton Unifacial Knife frequently appears in a Dalton site context. These blades were unifacial and were most likely thrown aside after repeated use.  These are made using a fairly thick flake somewhat similar to the Hendricks scraper.  Like the Hendricks, hafting configurations are absent.  One end may be smaller or pointed like the Hendricks scraper, but this is not always true as they are frequently square on both ends and steeply beveled.  These tools are typicially 3 to 5 inches in length, 1.25 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick.

The association of this type with Dalton sites would generally date its age to between 8000 and 6000 BC.There have been no reports of these scrapers being found in an earlier Paleoindian context and their use seems to diminish after the Dalton period.  There has been no recovery of these blades in a controlled and datable context.They would be distributed in the same general way that Dalton points are distributed throughout Georgia.