Big Slough


This is a medium to large point with a broad, expanded stem. These points average 62 mm in length. The cross-section is bi-convex. The shoulders are inversely tapered with narrow barbs that may be expanded, especially on examples with recurvate blade edges. The blade may be excurvate or recurvate; rarely, excurvate-recurvate. One example of the type has one straight and one recurvate blade edge. About half of the blade edges are asymmetrical. The distal end is usually acute but may be apiculate. The stem is broad and long and expanded by shallow diagonal notches. This stem sides edges may be slightly incurvate, slightly excavate, or straight. The basal edge is excurvate, thin, and usually ground. Most examples are made by broad, shallow, random flaking, but a considerable number show collateral flaking. Several have random flaking on one face and collateral on the other. The blade edges usually show rather broad retouching with some fine flaking along the retouched edges that give a somewhat crushed affect, as does the baton method of percussion flaking. The notches appear to have been formed by indirect percussion flaking with some retouch. The basal edges thinned by removal of broad, shallow flakes. The stem is usually finely retouched along all edges.

The point is named for the Big Slough area in Limestone County, Alabama, where many examples are found on the surface with Early Archaic types. One example was from the Hulse site 18, Limestone County, Alabama. At Stanfield-Worley Bluff Shelter, one example each was recovered from levels 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of zone A. At University of Alabama site MS201, Rock House Shelter, in Marshall County, Alabama, levels 4 and 5 produced one example each. One example was recovered from zone C (archaic) at MA48, Flint River mound. This evidence suggests a cultural association of from Early Archaic to Middle Archaic times with a probable age ranging from about 5000 BC to 2000 BC.

Information for this article was derived from James W. Cambron and David C. Hulse, Handbook of Alabama Archaeology, Alabama Archaeological Society