The Bonham point was named by Krieger (1946) for examples recovered at the Sanders site in northern Texas.
description: The Bonham point is a small arrow point characterized by a small, short, rectangular stem. Suhm and Krieger (1954)describe the type as follows: “slender triangular blade with edges usually straight but sometimes slightly concave or recurved; occasionally, slightly convex. Shoulders sometimes squared but usually have small barbs. Stem is very narrow and parallel-edged. Base straight or slightly convex. Blade edges sometimes finely serrated.” The length ranges from 3/4 inch to 1 3/4 inch.
Distribution: This type is found in the northern section of Texas, and especially along the Red River Valley, and in North-Central Texas. It is also found in southern, central and western Oklahoma. A few specimens from Texas have been found as far West as the Pecos River. Overstreet records there are recovery in the Southeast from Hamilton County, Tennessee and the examples above are from Lincoln County, Georgia.
Age: It is a common point in the Sanders focus of North Texas. In all, it occurs occasionally in Washita River sites. Suhm and Krieger assign an age of 800 to 1200 A.D. to the Bonham type.