

Name: The Coosa point was named for the region of the Coosa River.

 Age: Examples from Alabama were recovered with sand and limestone-tempered ceramics and with fabric impressed pottery in the Coosa River area dating the type between 2500 and 1500 BP.

 Description: The Coosa is a small point measuring between 1.25 and 2 inches in length. The blade has excurvate and often heavily serrated edges. Flakes scars can be collateral pressure flaking along the blade edges. Stems are short and expanding with an excurvate basal edge. Notched forms appear to be exaggerated forms of the stem with wider expansion of the stem and even more rounded excurvate basal edges.

 Distribution: Coosa point distribution is focused in the region of the Coosa River from Murray to Paulding counties and from Floyd to Cherokee counties with scattered examples south to Georgia’s Fall Line.

Information for this article was derived from James W. Cambron and David C. Hulse, Handbook of Alabama Archaeology, Alabama Archaeological Society