Little Bear Creek


Name: The Little Bear Creek point was named by William Webb and David DeJarnette for the Little Bear Creek site in Alabama.

Age: Recoveries of this type in Alabama indicate its introduction at the end of the Late Archaic period with its heaviest use during the Woodland period between 4000 and 1500 BP.

Description: The Little Bear Creek is a medium to large point measuring from 2.25 to 3.5 inches in length.The blade is long and narrow with an acute distal end.The cross-section is lenticular fairly thick.Shoulders are straight to tapering.The stem is long, narrow and straight to tapering with a flat or unfinished basal edge.Stem edges may be lightly smoothed.

Distribution: Little Bear Creek points have been found from the Fall Line northward to Catoosa County.

Information for this article was derived from James W. Cambron and David C. Hulse, Handbook of Alabama Archaeology, Alabama Archaeological Society