

 Name: Bettye Broyles named the MacCorkle Stemmed point (top row) and the St. Albans (second row) for examples recovered from the St. Albans site in Kanawha County, West Virginia.[1]

Age: Their recovery at the St. Albans site indicates that the type may have preceded the LeCroy type. Whatley noted that both MacCorkle and St. Albans examples from the St. Albans site dated between 8850 and 8750 years BC.

Description: The blades of both named types are lenticular in cross-section with excurvate to straight blade edges that meet at a broad to acute distal end.Both types have been described as medium-sized points. Both blade edges are usually serrated and both havebifurcated stems.The key differences between the types amounts to the length and thickness of blades.The MacCorkle point averages between 1.5 and 2.5 inches in length.The St. Albans type is slightly shorter.

Distribution: John Whatley notes that the focus area for the MacCorkle point in Georgia is limited to the upper Piedmont area of northwest Georgia.[2]

[1] Broyles, Bettye, Preliminary Report: The St. Albans Site (46Ks27), Kanawha County, West Virginia. West Virginia Archaeologist 19

[2] Whatley, John S., An Overview of Georgia Projectile Points And Selected Cutting Tools, Early Georgia, Vol. 30, No. 1, The Society for Georgia Archaeology. April, 2002