NAME: The Otarrie point was named for examples from the Appellation region of North Carolina. John Whatley applied the Otarre name to this type sighting Keel’s work in the Appellations and Ledbetter’s work Mill Branch sites in Warren County, Georgia.
AGE: Whatley suggested a Late Archaic to Early Woodland date of 4600 to 2600 BP.
DESCRIPTION: The Otarre is a medium to large point measuring from 2.25 to 3.5 inches in length. The blade edges are straight to slightly excurvate with slight shoulders and a lenticular cross section. The stem is straight with a flat basal edge. Whatley described the type as a scaled down “junior version” of Middle Archaic Elora points.
DISTRIBUTION: Otarre points are widely distributed across Georgia from the Fall Line northward.