Our Bylaws


The name of the organization shall be “The Peach State Archaeological Society”, which shall be a non-profit organization (# J405728) according to the laws of the state of Georgia and a tax exempt organization according to the tax laws and the Internal Revenue Code.

The purpose of the Peach State Archaeological Society shall be:

1.To promote the study of archaeology, especially in the geographical area of Georgia and surrounding environs.

2.To encourage the keeping of records through cataloguing of relics and sites for historical scientific value.

3.To promote the preservation of important archaeological sites and to cooperate in salvage archaeology.

4.To discourage the display and selling of fraudulent artifacts.

5.To encourage publication of useful reports of archaeological interest to members-.

ARTICLE III – Membership
Membership shall consist of any person, family or institutions who shall pay annual dues indicated below:

1. Honorary members who shall be appointed by a majority vote of members present at a meeting where a vote is taken to approve their honorary status.

2.Active members who shall pay annual dues, the amount to be determined by a vote of the Peach State Society membership.

3.Associate members (institutions and adults only desiring the society newsletter) shall pay annual dues of $7.00 per year. Junior members (those under the age of nineteen) shall pay annual dues of $5.00 per year. Associate membership may be granted gratis, by a majority vote of the Peach State Society officers , to those who have donated goods or services to the society.

4.Honorary and active members shall receive all regular publications issued or sponsored by the Society. Associate and junior members shall receive only newsletters and meeting notices.

5.Honorary and active members shall have voting rights at the business meetings. Associate and junior members have no voting rights.

ARTICLE IV – Officers
The elected officers of this organization shall consist of the following who shall remain in office for one year (Nov 1-Oct 31) or until a successor is elected.

1.One president

2.One vice-president

3.One secretary

4.One treasurer

5.One editor

In the case of a vacancy in any of the above offices, the president shall appoint a replacement to complete the office term.

Election of officers shall be held at the next to last Peach State Society shows of the year. The president shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the election meeting: said committee to present a slate of nominees to the meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.

Duties of Officers and Chairmen
1.The president shall preside at all meetings, handle Society correspondence and appoint appropriate committees and chairmen.
The president shall appoint two delegates to the Central States Archaeological Society annual meeting.
The president shall appoint one Show Chairman.
The president shall appoint Show Hosts, one per show.
The president shall appoint the Chairman of the Questionable Artifacts Committee.
The president shall appoint one Peach State Society Show Judge.

2.The vice-president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president.

3.The secretary shall send notices of all meetings, field trips and other events of interest to members. He shall also record minutes of all business meetings of the Society and assist the president in handling correspondence.

4.The treasurer shall record all receipts and payments of the Society and issue an annual financial statement. He shall keep the Society’s funds in a convenient checking account.

5.The two delegates to the Central States Archaeological Societies shall represent the Peach State Archaeological Society interests in maintaining and publishing a journal and shall cast their votes in accordance with the majority opinion of the Peach State Society members.

6.The editor shall be responsible for approving such articles as are submitted by members for publication in the Central States Archaeological Journal. The editor shall cooperate with the officers and editor of the Central States Journal.

7.The show chairman shall be in charge of arranging, directing, and coordinating the shows.

8.Show hosts have the responsibility of securing reasonably priced and adequately equipped facilities to house the show of their charge. Hosts will also handle requests and charges for sale and exhibit tables. Hosts will work closely with the show chairman in advertizing and conducting the show.

9.The Questionable Artifacts Committee Chairman shall select several Peach State Society members, knowledgeable in artifacts, to serve with him on the committee. It will be the duty of this committee, together or any part thereof, to examine any artifact displayed at a Peach State society show, which is not part of an educational display, and has been questioned as not authentic. The committee may request any artifact authenticator present at the show to assist them. Should such an artifact, in the opinion of the committee, appear to be either fraudulent or of questionable authenticity, the party displaying the artifact will be politely advised of the opinion of the committee. The party will be given the option of removing the artifact or artifacts from display or labeling them as of questionable authenticity. This is for the education and benefit of the public. Should the person displaying such artifacts refuse to cooperate with the committee, they may be asked to remove his display from the show and their table fee refunded. If the person refuses to leave, they will not be allowed to rent a table at a future Peach State society show.

ARTICLE V -Officers and Business Meetings
1. The Peach State Society president or a majority of elected officers may call a society officers and chairmen’s meeting as required. The limits of any single expenditure voted upon and approved shall not exceed $500.00. Legislation voted upon and approved shall not be limited, except for making changes in
the societies bylaws.

2 Business meetings shall be held when necessary at the scheduled shows with thirty days prior notice given. A meeting may be called by a majority of votes taken among the elected officers.

3.The annual business meeting with election of officers shall be held at the next to the last Peach State artifact show of the year.

4. All members shall be notified in writing, by newsletter, or by telephone at least thirty days in advance of
regular or special meetings.

5. Roberts rules of order shall be followed in conducting meetings.

Peach State Society shows are to be limited to exhibiting and selling of authentic Native North American and contact society artifacts created prior to 1900 and related educational publications. Below are items which are allowed or banned from sale or display from shows, unless part of an educational display.
1.No reproductions of authentic native North American tools, weapons, utensils, etc, or contact items created prior to 1900.

2.No artifacts from outside of North America.

3.No human remains.

4.No burial items.

5.No modern Native North American jewelry, blankets, baskets, pipes, dream catchers, or self styled artifacts.
6.Books and art relating to Native North American history prior to 1900 will be allowed.

7.Display of meteorites will be allowed.

8.No restored guns, reproductive guns, or new guns or firearm products will be allowed.

9.No bottles, unless authentic contact trade items.

10.Animal fossils will be allowed up to 50% of rented table space.

11.Recent animal remains such as horns, hooves, hides, etc will not be allowed.

12.No diving equipment will be allowed for sale.

13.No equipment to be used to probe for or otherwise fmd artifacts will be displayed or sold.

14.No minerals to be used to fabricate artifacts will be displayed, except as part of an educational display or demonstration. They will not be sold at the show.

15.No coins will be sold.

16.No altered (rechipped) artifacts will be sold.

17.The sale of artifact cases or carrying trays will be allowed.

18.The sale of limited edition art pertaining to Native North Americans prior to 1900 or contact society will be permitted.

19.The sale of artifact printed T-shirts, caps, etc will be permitted.

20.The treasurer may sell official Peach State Archeological Society printed promotional items such as T- shirts, caps, and patches, as well as old journals for the purpose of raising funds for the society.

Anybody who sells an artifact purported to be an authentic native American artifact at a Peach State sponsored or co-sponsored artifact or educational show/meeting shall be held responsible for the sale of the sold article for a period of not less than 30 days for authenticity determination purposes. If the said artifact is found to be a reproduction, tampered with, rechipped, authenticity papers forged or tampered with, the artifact may be returned for a full refund. Anybody not following this rule will be banned from future shows for a period of one year. The secretary will keep a list of all such persons.

Anyone reserving a table at Peach State society shows will be held financially responsible for the payment of table fees unless they notify the show host of forfeiture of the reservation at least 24 hour in advance of the show date. Dismissal of the table financial responsibility may be made by the show host for such unforseen events such as sickness, death, or transportation problems. Failure of parties to pay table reservations will result in their being banned from Peach State society shows until table show fees in arrears are paid. The society secretary will keep a list of such persons and a copy will be sent to all show hosts.

Exhibits will be judged and selected trophies and awards will be presented to winning exhibitors.

ARTICLE VII – Finances
1.The fiscal year shall begin on November I and end on October 31 of each year.

2.A financial report shall be submitted for approval of the members at the annual business meeting.

3.The treasurer shall be authorized to pay the Society’s bills.

4.An annual audit of the Society’s finances shall be made at the end of each year by a committee of three members appointed by the president.

5.Subject to approval of the elected officers, the treasurer may invest surplus funds in interest-bearing notes.

6.The treasurer shall be bonded when the checking account balance exceeds $3000.00.

7. No part of the assets of the Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons during the life of the organization.

8. Upon the dissolution of the Society, after paying all liabilities, the organization or society shall dispose of all assets exclusively (For the purposes of the corporation as set out in Article II, paragraph # 1-#5) to educational or scientific purposes as shall qualify as a United States Internal Revenue tax exempt organization.

least thirty days in advance of regular or special meetings.

4. Roberts rules of order shall be followed in conducting meetings.

ARTICLE VIII – Publications
1.The Society shall be affiliated with the Central States Archaeological Societies, Inc. for the purpose of publishing a journal. To provide for this, the treasurer shall remit the required amount per year for each active and honorary member to the treasurer of the Central States Archaeological Societies, Inc.

2.Special publications by the Society shall be authorized by a majority vote of members present at a duly authorized business meeting.

3.The elected officers shall be authorized to approve up to six newsletters annually.

ARTICLE IX – Incorporation
The Society may be incorporated under Georgia State incorporation law.

ARTICLE XX – Amendments
Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to all members present at a stated business meeting and shall become amendments by a majority vote of those members present.